Welcome to the Virtual Event

Welcome to our virtual event landing page. This page will provide attendees more information about the upcoming event. Frequently asked questions are available to help the attendees out. And a registration form to allow users to pre-register.

Why Register?

Pre-register for this virtual event to get updates and reminders from the event co-ordinators.

Participating Companies

Frequently Asked Questions

Virtual Career Fair is the leading online recruitment exhibition. Its designed to bring employers and job seekers together to exchange valuable information for recruitment purposes and to explore potential fits.
  • Get information about company's’ culture , objectives and values.
  • Interact with employers / recruiters and get interviewed through chat and video conference.
  • View fresh and exciting jobs from top employers
  • Apply directly to available jobs
Yes, you will need to enter your name and email address to enjoy all Virtual Career Fair features.
NO. You do not need to download or install any software to participate in our conference. You only need to have access to the Internet.
Event Timezone

Local Timezone
